About Us


Greenlab Environment Consultants Limited (Greenlab ECL) is a commercial organization providing cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for large-scale engineering works including civil, mechanical, electrical and architectural inputs that are designed to help preserve natural resources and prevent waste and pollution. It also has a voluntary program that supports the organizational development by offering expert advice, technical support, tools and resources. We are always sincere to compensate total energy use, total water consumption, total electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.Vision

Engineering and Environmental working on behalf of governmental, industrial, commercial, and residential clients to solve difficult and complex environmental problems in a timely and cost effective manner, the vision of Greenlab ECL is to work to protect, preserve, restore, and enhance the environment. With responsibility to the interests of our clients and applying innovative investigative and remedial technologies, Greenlab ECL is always committed to insuring a healthy and sustainable environment.

Greenlab ECL has successfully introduced local technology based Wastewater Treatment plant in Bangladesh. This technology is very much cost effective considering the chemical consumption, energy efficiency and other treatment plants.

Greenlab ECL has successfully introduced local technology based Wastewater Treatment plant in Bangladesh. This technology is very much cost effective considering the chemical consumption, energy efficiency and other treatment plants.


Greenlab Operation: 


A. Services:

01.  ZDP-Zero Discharge Plan

02. IEE-Initial Environment Examination & SCCG-Site Clearance Certificate Guideline

03. EIA-Environment Impact Assessment

04. New ETP Plan & Design or Turn-key basis

05. ETP Correction & Monitoring with LAB Test

06. ETP Extension

07. Salt Recovery & UF-Ultra Filtration

08. NF-Nano Filtration

09. ROP-Reverse Osmosis Plant

10. EMP-Environment Management Plan

11. ZDP Execution

12. RG-Renewal Guideline

13. ECCG-Environment Clearance Certificate Guideline

14. ATP-Air Treatment Plant

15. STP-Sewerage Treatment Plant

16. WTP-Water Treatment Plant (Surface & Waste)  





B. Products:


01. FP-Filter Press

02. AB-Air Blower

03. AD-Air Diffuser

04. WFM-Water Flow Meter

05. TP-Transfer Pump

06. DP-Dosing Pump

07. AM-Aeration Media

08. SF-Sand Filter

09. ACF-Activated Carbon Filter

10. SC-Scrapper for Clarifier

11. Agitator

12. OGS-Oil & Grease Separator

13. FPC-Filter Press Clothes








                                                                                    Sand Filter and Carbon Filter


Published on: Sunday, 19 January 2014, 11:38 pm   ▪   Last update: Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 05:09 am   ▪   Total View of this Page: 4762

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